Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into specific points to stimulate its natural healing abilities, helping to alleviate pain and discomfort. It also promotes blood circulation and balances the autonomic nervous system.
Solving these problems
- Tired easily due to daily stress
- Migraine headaches that won't go away
- Pain and swelling in joints such as knees, shoulders, and elbows
- Sharp pain or numbness in a specific part of the body
- Chronic or acute pain in the lower back area
- Heavy pain or tension in the shoulder
Relaxing and Painless
A relaxing and painless treatment, it is commonly used to relieve muscular tension, shoulder and back pain, arthritic pain and
However, it is also very beneficial in aiding circulation, boosting the metabolism and immune system, and strengthening digestion.
Acupuncture also treats many other conditions including stress, reproductive disorders, respiratory and digestive conditions, as well as a variety of other health concerns.
Moxibustion therapy involves applying heat using moxa. It is divided into “direct moxibustion,” where moxa is placed directly on the skin, and “indirect moxibustion,” where moxa is placed on a base or separated by a material. Our clinic offers both methods, but for beginners, we recommend the safer indirect moxibustion to ensure a pleasant treatment experience.